Image 1: Johanna Ljungren, Kinnarp
Image 2: Mattias Svensson, Humlegården
Image 3: Linn Lindfred, Jayway

CIRinK 2 is a state financed project conducted by two Swedish companies and two research institutes: IVL and RISE. The aim of the project is to develop circularity indicators and testing them on real circular business models from two case studies. One of these is lead by Kinnarps, a Swedish furniture company, where renovation and updating of furniture are tested. The other case focuses on rebuilding of offices and is lead by Humlegården, a Swedish real estate company. The project runs from November 2019 to December 2021 and is coordinated by Dr. Agnieszka Hunka at RISE.

My role in the project is to support Linn Lindfred (who supports the office reconstruction with expertise in circular economy) with research findings. We want to find circularity indicators that help showing the benefits of circular solutions over multiple loops. This means that when offices owned by Humlegården switch owners, refurbishing and renovation is done circular as possible. We also want to show that this leads to decreased resource use and environmental impact. Find out more about the project by following the link!

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