Hi everyone, Johan here. For those of you who do not know about my credentials in the topic of sustainability, I am a PhD-student in circular economy with focus on circularity assessments using system analysis. For the sake of clearing things up, I will list a few perhaps boring but necessary disclaimers which for the most out there is probably common sense.

Regarding the text content on this site:

  • It represents my personal thoughts and my experience from leading a sole proprietorship.
  • Even though the information is mostly based on solid research, I am open with that the content on this site is not always objectively correct, since many views exist on the subject.
  • The validity and accuracy of the content and the links might change over time. I hence do not take responsibility for the accuracy and validity of the content on the site or the links.
  • I do not hold myself liable for the effects of use of what I write or display on the website due to false, inaccurate or incomplete information.
  • All content I have created belongs to me and is copyrighted, however I encourage spreading of the material under the condition that it is meant to spread knowledge in a concrete manner.
  • If the content would offend someone, or be seen as  provoking, I encourage that contact with me personally is taken. However, I cannot calculate every possible misinterpretation. My intention is never to harm anyone and I hence do not take responsibility for interpretations that are not intended.
  • I reserve my right to argument for actions and conclusions based on research findings and to give implications for what different actors are required to do in order to steer society towards a sustainable future.
  • It should not be seen as absolute. I hence do not take responsibility for harm or economic casualty caused by the use of advice, tips, techniques, and recommendations.
  • The material is either opinion-based or a reflection of existing research and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnich group, club, organization, company or individual or thing.
  • Even though I work for the University of Gävle, all views are personal and I personally am responsible for the content and I do not represent the University unless it is explicitly written.
  • I do not take responsibility for translations that can be misinterpreted in other languages.
  • Any errors in language are welcome to be corrected, as english is not my native tongue.
  • I will also not be held responsible for defamatory statements bound to government, religious, or other laws from readers with other countries of origin than sweden.

Regarding some other things

  • I mainly use photos that I create myself, but occasionally I use material from other authors after having their consent.
  • I might offer free material in the form of videos and pdf-files. I do not intend to create damage with these files and I do not take responsibility for any damage they might cause.
  • I am not responsible or will be held liable for anything anyone writes in the comments on this website, nor the laws which they may break in any country through their comments’ content, implication and intent.
  • The same goes for any guestbloggers on this site.
  • The material on the blog is not generated to make money, but can be the key for generating collaborations that indirectly generate profit.

Now, I hope you can focus on the content and having fun learning about circular economy!

Johan Brändström