“Investments that transition us to the circular economy will not cost any more than we are investing now in extractive, polluting systems. Indeed they will actually give better economy for all in the long run.”
~ Stephen Hinton

If you want to meet someone who has thought deeply about circular economy and its implications for fiscal policy – meet Stephen Hinton. Personally, I would describe him as a thought leader who is great at using graphic anecdotes to explain his mindset. His interest for circular economy started with his will to create peace between people and with nature. He has one foot in the corporate world and one in the practical grass roots world. Here is an excerpt of some of his achievements that involve circular economy!

  • Managing director for a sustainable water purification company
  • Member of the board of the Swedish Sustainable Economy Foundation.
  • Creation of policy instruments towards the swedish delegation of circular economy.
  • Author of the visionary novel ”Inventing for the Sustainable Planet” and “Meeting the phosphorus challenge”.
  • Frequently blogs about the circular economy and the real economy (see link below, I recommend to visit it, he shares some really interesting thoughts!).
  • Runs an online teaching platform for circular economy.

Our cooperation was initiated by our common goal to create online-courses in circular economy. Lately, it has developed into being project partners at the University of Gävle in both regional focused project on circular economy and company focused project on circular economy. There he wants to maximize value from circular business models and help regions in Sweden to become more circular.

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